In 2003 the musical Wicked - based on the book by the same name - first premiered on Broadway. Thirteen years later, the news broke that a movie adaptation of the beloved musical was in the works and would be released in 2019. The director’s goal was to combine the musical with the original book, expanding the story and splitting it into two movies. Over the years there were many issues that delayed production but it arrived Thanksging Weekend grossing $118 million.
It was eventually announced that the film would star Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo as Glinda and Elphaba. The casting announcement received mixed reactions from fans. Due to only ever getting glimpses into what was happening behind the scenes, fans were unable to form opinions about the movie itself. After finally getting their first proper look at the movie with a trailer released in May, people had a lot to say. Some complained about what was perceived as heavy CGI-use or changes to the small clips of songs they’d heard. Others insisted that the movie was coming along wonderfully and shouldn’t be judged until it was finally released.
But, once released, the movie was instantly a hit, rising to the top of the film and music charts as one of the most successful movies based on a musical of all time. Although others found themselves underwhelmed by the plot and frustrated by how long it was (2 hours 40 minutes), those reviews were heavily drowned out by a surmount of overwhelmingly positive feedback. People were stunned by many aspects of the movie - such as the lead actresses’ chemistry and talented vocals, the vibrant visuals, and the dedication gone into preserving the original heart of the musical.
People will most likely be arguing over this Wicked adaptation for as long as they can. Both old fans of the musical and people who have never heard a single song from it will find things they dislike. However, the majority of people seem to have agreed that the Wicked movie was just as wonderful as they anticipated, and are eagerly awaiting the second installment of the series.