

Abigail Risdon - Co-Managing Editor Evyn Clayton - Co-Managing Editor Octavia Roberts - Co-Managing Editor, Web Developer

We, the CSArtisan, are an official student-produced publication. As an entity, we aim to serve as a designated open, public forum for freedom of expression for students to freely disseminate information and express their ideas. Under the rights delegated by the First Amendment and California Education Code 48907, we operate without prior review and produces content that reflects the views of the student body (within legal and ethical bounds).

Our student editorial board and student staff members assume complete legal liability for the content of the publication. On our part, this includes openly admitting to and promptly correcting mistakes. By holding ourselves accountable for our work, we also are prepared to justify the actions we take and the content we publish. In the case of a student injury or death, coverage will generally take the form of hard news in which we will include the student’s name unless the a parent or student does not want the name to be released. However, we will respect the parents’ wishes for the way in which the student will be covered.

Because we aim to deliver accurate information in our content, we will verify all facts surrounding articles both in print and online. Interviewed quotes will have the support of handwritten or voice-recorded transcripts. In the case that we mistake a fact, misquote someone, or publish photos of the wrong person or event in an online article, we will promptly update it with the correct information and make a note when the revision was made. For our print articles, revisions will be made when we publish the content online — unless the article is libelous, offensive, or editorializes a hard news topic, in which we will print a retraction the following issue.

Furthermore, because we have the right to no prior review, it is all the more important to apply ethical prudence so that content is produced responsibly, keeping in mind the people’s best interests. The First Amendment’s protections intend to serve not the press, but the people. As journalists, we exercise these rights to thoroughly investigate and report all issues in an unbiased, objective manner. This unbiased method of reporting ensures that we fairly address all sides of an issue to uphold the truth for our readers. We will try to minimize harm by understanding the implications of our work and showing sensitivity to all sides of a story.

Electronic media produced by this online newspaper is entitled to the same protections – and subjected to the same freedoms and responsibilities – as media produced for print publication. As such, they are not subject to prior review. These include, but are not limited to, posts, videos and tweets.

Here, we try to reflect the voice of the student body as best as we can. Therefore, we welcome all types of feedback and student submissions. These submissions can come in form of student-produced articles and letters, photographs, editorial cartoons and guest opinion writers. We will publish these student submissions online if we determine that the content is truthful and relevant to the student body. We strongly urge student participation in order to encompass the entire scope of the CSArts community.

CSArts Newspaper Club

Thank you very kindly to the contributing authors & artists. Website made with much love by the art direction & web development teams of CSArtisan.

Empowering Youth Literacy