
A New Space for Wellness

Danica Chen & Karina Yue Sep 25, 2023 · 1 min read
A New Space for Wellness

CSArts is back in session! With new classes, homework, and conservatory activities, it’s important for students to remember self-care. Luckily, the school has lots of resources available to make sure you are physically and emotionally well! A brand newly designed Wellness Center is in Room 111, and The CSArtisan reached out to Mrs. Alisha Miranda, special services faculty member, to answer some questions about it!

What resources does the Wellness Center provide for students?

The Wellness Center, open Monday through Friday from 8:15am-2:15pm, is designed to be a quiet space, where students can relax and decompress for a few minutes. Students are invited to rest or meditate, read, color or draw, use a relaxation or fidget tool, speak with a counselor, practice evidence-based coping strategies, research wellness topics, listen to music, take a walk, stretch/yoga, do guided breathing, and stay for 20 minutes to utilize all of these resources and more.

How can students without a 504 or IEP access the Wellness Center?

Students MUST have a Wellness Center Pass from their teacher, counselor, or another CSArts staff member in order to be admitted into the Wellness Center. You do not need a pass if you are visiting before school or in between classes.

In what situations would the Wellness Center be of help to a student?

There are various situations that might cause a student to need to utilize the Wellness Center. For example, panic/anxiety attacks, depression, restlessness, low motivation, mental health disorders, counseling and guidance, general anxiety, meditation, brain break, or loss of focus.

Want to help out? The Wellness Center is accepting donations. To find out more, students and/or guardians can contact Mrs. Miranda via email at alisha.miranda@sgv.csarts.net. And remember, if the day gets too tough, feel free to stop by Room 111 to take a breath for the Wellness Center is open to all.

Written by Danica Chen & Karina Yue