
Transfer Triumphs

Bridgette Bergman May 31, 2024 · 1 min read
Transfer Triumphs

With the school year coming to an end, many students are already starting to prepare for the next school year, especially students who are transferring conservatories. Transferring conservatories can cause mixed emotions: being sad to leave your previous conservatory and friends behind, but being excited for new opportunities and a new chapter! The summer is a time to cherish those memories while preparing and hyping yourself up for the upcoming change.

The break can also be a great time to practice and prepare skills for your new conservatory for a smoother transition in August. Another great way to prepare for your transfer this summer is reach out to students in the new conservatory about classes, instructors, and advice.

Change is stressful, if you are changing conservatory, try not to worry about your upcoming transfer throughout the summer. You had the courage to make a decision to make your high school experience better! You took a risk, and it’s paid off! Enjoy your break, be proud of taking a chance, and look forward to new experiences and new relationships.

Written by Bridgette Bergman