
Thank You Class Presidents!

Jocelin Lila-Cruz May 19, 2023 · 4 mins read
Thank You Class Presidents!

As the school year comes to an end, it’s important to recognize some people who helped us make this year so fun. Our co-class presidents took it upon themselves to not only take on the responsibility of being a voice for us students, but giving us a memorable school year. From cocoa and cram sessions, to senior sunrise, the class presidents put in the work! Here are some of their personal highlights of the year:

A message from one of your Class of 2023 co-presidents:

A highlight from this year was definitely our Senior Sunrise! We had so much fun coming together as a class, especially with the knowledge that we would gather once more for Senior Sunset, months later. The best part of being class presidents is getting to put ideas into action. We usually start with, “Wouldn’t it be cool if…?” and then we get to see those ideas come to fruition! For Halloween, we wanted to do something of our own for the school, so we had seniors drive their cars onto the field and host games out of the trunks. Executing ideas is exhilarating because it’s like seeing your Pinterest board brought to life! Class of 2023, you are amazing. You are strong and persistent in the face of opposition, and now that the work is done, we can’t wait for the best Grad Week ever. To the underclassmen/almost-seniors, our advice is to appreciate your fellow students’ work. One day, you’ll be leaving, and you’ll wish you saw the All School Musical or watched the IM Jazz Ensemble, or spent more time observing the Visual Art showcases. Not everyone is surrounded by so much art and talent in high school, so take advantage of the opportunities you have now to watch that person you sit next to in math belt their face off, because one day they might be on Broadway (and those tickets will be much more expensive)”

  • Bella Chang and Tati Bovia (IA ‘23)

A message from one of your Class of 2024 co-presidents:

Some of my favorite parts about being class president this year have been planning events, getting to add to the CSArts culture and work on school involvement, and really just being the voice of the junior class. One of my most memorable experiences this year has definitely been Junior Campout which my co-president and I planned and advertised for months. It was so rewarding seeing all of our hard work pay off at the event! My current co-president and I will be running for senior class president and hope that everything we have done this year has prepared us for next year. To the class of 2024, good luck with working on college applications within the next 6 months, and keep pushing through! We got this!”

  • Hannah Pung (BCD ‘24)

A message from one of your Class of 2025 co-presidents:

My favorite part about being this year’s class president is honestly wearing the maid dress after getting elected. As well as just being able to represent your class is really nice. My advice to any future presidents is that it’s important to be yourself and to do it all for your class and not yourself, have fun too! And I’d just like to say that the Class of 2025 is honestly the best class!”

  • Giovanni Huang (P&D ‘25)

A message from your Class of 2026 co-presidents:

It was a bit difficult to learn how to manage to fit in time for planning and discussion into a jam-packed schedule. Our favorite moment from the year was the first pep rally of the year. We loved seeing everyone so determined and working together on the games. Most importantly, cheering for our fellow classmates was really nice to be a part of. As for advice to future presidents, iron out your schedule for the year, sit down and review your calendar with your partner, and plan! Myself and Zakai have loved building relationships with the class; learning about each and every one of you has been amazing. We are going to finish the year strong with Clash of Classes and run head first into sophomore year!!!”

  • Francis Fontana (MT ‘26) and Zakai Haynes (MT ‘26)

The CSArtisan sends out a special thank you to all of our class presidents for their hard work and dedication! As for the next school year, there are many different presidential campaigns running this month with amazing candidates running to earn the spot as class presidents. So, make sure to cast your vote for the next co-class presidents as soon as you can!

Written by Jocelin Lila-Cruz