
Telltale Bell

Maleyna Alcisto Oct 20, 2023 · 2 mins read
Telltale Bell

It is impossible to say how the idea first entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. ‘Twas a lonely and slow evening when that idea first formulated, a thought that I wish never entered my twisted mind; to replace our old bell with a new ring. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old bell.

You fancy me mad. I know the old bell is no more and I am the one responsible for its demise. But yet, hour by hour, day by day, I still hear it. Its haunting melody lingers in my head: Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. We are CSArts.

I don’t know what urged me to stay after hours that night. The 5 o’clock bell rang, the new one, the wretched one, and yet I chose to stay. I tried to occupy myself by doing administrative work. But, before I knew it, my eyes began to bear the weight of my work, the pull of slumber creeping up my spine. And then, just like that, I heard it.

Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. We are CSArts. This wasn’t in my head. It was as if I heard it bellowing from the PA speakers. I didn’t think much of it for it was late and I was exhausted. It was only an earworm; a catchy, but long-dead tune. I went back to my work.

It only became worrisome once I heard the bell again. The same eerie jingle. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. We are CSArts. I pinched myself to ensure that I was awake and to my dismay, I felt the sharp pain of my own nip linger; proving my consciousness.

Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. We are CSArts. It couldn’t be! Have I gone mad? I paced the floor of my office to and fro with heavy, pensive, strides. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. We are CSArts. It only grew louder - louder - louder! Oh god, what do I do? What can I do?

“Villains!” I shriek. “I repent! I’ll revive the old bell! I’ll revive it!” I raved. My head hit the desk and I awoke. A sliver of pale sunlight crept through the blinds of my office. I checked the time on my watch; it read 8:29. Could it be? Was it all a dream? The clock struck 8:30. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. Hello, CSArts. We are CSArts.

Written by Maleyna Alcisto