
A Spooky Good Time

Juliet Martinez and Aryhanna Pham Nov 17, 2023 · 1 min read
A Spooky Good Time

Why did the ghost go to the Halloween party? Because he heard it was going to be “spook”-tacular! This October, CSArts had a “spooktacular” party of their own by hosting another amazing “Spooky Fest.”

The event consisted of many thrilling events such as trunk or treat, club fundraisers, student performances, and a student-directed haunted house! Located out on the field, parents and students decorated their cars with spooky ribbons, pumpkins, and spider webs, with games for students to have a shot at winning sugary treats. In the Quad, clubs held fundraisers, selling food and drinks like boba, root beer floats, and donuts, as well as trinkets like bracelets and plants. On stage, Popular Music, Dance, and Instrumental Music students wowed the crowd with their performances.

But the spookiest attraction of all was the haunted house located in the cafeteria. Directed by the Junior Co-Class presidents, the house consisted of students acting as bloody clowns, creepy contortionists, frightening carnival characters, and more. With student-done makeup, decorations, and costumes, the event was a huge hit, and had a line out the door the entire time. Students and adults alike were amazed by the effort and fun of the event. One student comments,

The haunted house was fun and I like the effort the actors put into it, from the costumes, to the makeup, and the props. Their acting was funny and entertaining!”

This year, CSArts had a great spooky season, and we can’t wait for the next one!

Written by Juliet Martinez and Aryhanna Pham