
Senior Sunrise

Sophia Brunet Photo: Sophia Brunet Oct 13, 2022 · 1 min read
Senior Sunrise

Seniors have finally come to school early. At Northview Park, CSArts seniors gathered together with their friends to welcome in the sunrise. Senior Sunrise is celebrated annually to commemorate the beginning of the end of their high school careers! Organized by senior class presidents Tati Bovia and Bella Chang (IA ‘23), seniors enjoyed a breakfast of donuts, fruits and coffee as they looked to the East and watched the sunrise. wrapped in warm blankets, the seniors listened to live musical performances by Izzy De La Vega and Aidan Luke (VOC ‘23).

As the sun slowly rose, seniors engaged in other fun activities like bracelet-making and writing letters to their future selves time capsule. At the end of the year, each will be handed back and read at Senior Sunset, held later this school year.

It was really peaceful, and I liked how it was a pause in all of the chaos,”

said one senior.

It felt like a moment to appreciate the four years I’ve been here with all the friends that I’ve made.”

I loved having uninterrupted time with my friends to have fun,”

said another senior.

As seniors stress over college applications and the looming f uture ahead, events like Senior Sunrise are the perfect escape to take a breather from the stress of it all, and just have fun. The sun rises and sets all the time, but you’re only a senior once.

Written by Sophia Brunet