
Meet Your Senior Presidents!

Sophia Brunet Photo: Bella Chang Sep 16, 2022 · 3 mins read
Meet Your Senior Presidents!

As we dive into fall, the seniors of CSArts have a lot on their mind. College applications, scholarships, conservatory, and racing to be co-presidents of the class of 2023. We asked our new senior presidents about themselves and their feelings and plans for this coming school year:

What inspires you and your leadership skills?

Bella Chang:

Being a good leader means putting yourself in uncomfortable positions where you can grow in confidence as a person and advocate for the people that you lead. I am always inspired by mentors and leaders I admire on campus, like Mr. Bowman and Ms. Kim.

Tati Bovia:

I think our love for this school really motivates us to try and make it better! We want everyone to feel safe and happy in CSArts just like we have! Bella and I both love executing ideas and activities that help bring people together. Observing people and how they handle situations/looking at their wants and needs inspires me to be a better leader; learning how to calmly and kindly handle situations, disagreements, and as Bella said, being comfortable with being uncomfortable and being keen on problem solving.

What are your main goals as class presidents?

Bella Chang:

Tati and I are beyond excited to make this senior year memorable for the Class of 2023, and that starts with unfailingly executing the plans/events we have set in place. Our main goals, outside of the traditional Senior Year activities, include “Memory Lane Day,” (bounce house, that rainbow parachute from P.E. with the handles, trampoline, etc.), a Beach Bonfire day, drive-in movie night, and super awesome and wearable class merchandise.

Tati Bovia:

Our goals are to have the best senior year ever! Something we have been super passionate about since we were class presidents our Junior year (2021-2022) was class bonding! Junior year was (almost) our full first year of high school and so we had almost a whole year of catching up and bonding to do. Bella and I love the Senior class as a whole and want to foster a healthy and happy environment for everyone to be good acquaintances! We plan on having multiple kinds of events people can attend (as Bella mentioned above), but we also really want to bring more acts of kindness around campus, like giving out flowers, leaving money in the vending machines for a random person and random notes of kindness!

What do you bring to the table for CSArts that sets you apart from the rest?

Bella Chang:

Expertise and enthusiasm! We’ve shown up and shown out for these past three years of high school; there is no team more committed and spirited than the two of us.

Tati Bovia:

I think a genuine love for this school! I’ve been at CSArts since it first opened, and it has been an amazing experience! Bella and I don’t just think we are capable of doing all of the planning and tasks it takes to run senior year; we WANT to do it. Bella and I find joy in planning these events and find even greater joy in seeing people enjoy them. That is not to say that the other candidates don’t love this school! Bella and I will do a lot for this school and will gladly sacrifice hours of our time and energy to make an amazing senior year happen.

With a bright school year ahead, our senior class presidents are ensuring a variety of fun activities for our seniors to end their high school years on a high note.

Written by Sophia Brunet