
Searching for Silence

Noelle Lee Mar 29, 2024 · 1 min read
Searching for Silence

If you’re trying to study over the clamor of conversation, or are looking for some quiet, you might just benefit from a few solitudes on campus, tucked away from the main hangouts.

The first of these places is Northview Field, which is accessible through the 100s breezeway or the gym during lunch. It’s open to the sky and has a nice track for walking or running. It’s also spacious, so sound doesn’t travel like it would elsewhere. If you’re looking for some sunshine in addition to silence, the field is the right place to go.

A few paces past the field is the Wellness Center in Room 111. The Wellness Center has several stations to help students with their mental wellbeing, and is available between classes or during classes with permission from your teacher. Check out our in-depth article about the Wellness Center here.

The next space, The Creative Writing Library, sits adjacent to the cafeteria (next to the door by the 200s). Although it sounds like it’s only for CW students, it’s actually open to everyone Monday through Wednesday during lunch and office hours. The space offers a cozy atmosphere, faux fireplace, and of course, books. The library is in the process of getting some new decorations, furniture, and even a system for checking out books.

Besides having very little traffic, the studios are another quiet place. Hidden behind the 200s are a handful of quiet corners, several picnic tables, and real grass with good shade.

Last on the list is the alley parallel to “Diagon Alley” in the 400s. It’s attached to the main walkway through a few ramps, and it makes it a good shortcut for getting to classes. It’s mostly unpopulated, and also cleaner than you’d expect.

So, the next time you’re dealing with a headache, sensory overload, frustration, or anything where you would benefit from silence, take some time to look for some solitude. Your mind will thank you.

Written by Noelle Lee