Older Stories

We Have Your Future Covered

Have you ever wondered how you can make a living with your true passion for art? Whether it is music, acting, singing, writing, dancing, or drawing, CSArts gives you the head start on...

Vana Kojikian, Sep 25, 2023

A Chat With Counselor Christy

New schedules, new classes, new teachers, college essays, APs, the list of what a new school year entails goes on and on. It’s scary; it’s stressful; it’s overwhelming, and it’s a lot...

Juliet Martinez, Sep 25, 2023

Club Rush 2023

With the first few weeks of school starting to settle, student and teacher-run clubs come together to provide opportunities for service hours, experience for college applications and ...

Evyn Clayton, Sep 25, 2023

Classy Classrooms

The creative classrooms of CSArts reflect our unique student body. From math classes to Mandarin 1, the academic classes are just as inventive as conservatory courses. Teachers shape ...

Linnea Venti & Noelle Lee, Sep 25, 2023

Chromebook Creeper or Helper?

As schools begin to embrace the digital age, teachers find their own ways to combat distractions and make sure students stay on task.

Karina Hill & Aryhanna Pham, Sep 25, 2023

Thank You Class Presidents!

As the school year comes to an end, it’s important to recognize some people who helped us make this year so fun. Our co-class presidents took it upon themselves to not only take on th...

Jocelin Lila-Cruz, May 19, 2023

So Long, Sugarpine!

Every year, the CSArts conservatory closes the season with a showcase highlighting their artistic abilities, whether it be performances or galleries. Among the flurry of end-of-the-ye...

Sevana Zadoian, May 19, 2023

School Spirit Shenanigans

From our haunting Halloweens to our crazy contests, there’s no denying that at CSArts, festivities are beyond fantastic. As we approach the end of the school year, there’s no better t...

Sidney Tsai, May 19, 2023

Memories with Mr. Blaylock

Mr. Blaylock embodies all that is good about our school. His positive energy, boundless enthusiasm, deep commitment to excellence, endless creativity, and heart-felt dedication to his...

Griffin Stenzel, May 19, 2023

Senior VA Art Showcase

On May 6th, the cafeteria at CSArts was transformed into an art gallery, as the seniors of the Visual Arts Conservatory held their final showcase, exhibiting their best works that the...

Sophia Brunet, May 19, 2023