
Neurodivergency During the Holidays

Quinn McNary and Ren Carr Dec 15, 2023 · 1 min read
Neurodivergency During the Holidays

The holidays can be a stressful time for anyone, but things get more complicated when things like sensory sensitivities and social difficulties are added to the mix. Below is a list of tips to make your holiday go smoother, as well as a sensory-related gift list!

Tips for neurodivergents at holiday gatherings

Prior to the event:

  • Practice small talk with a friend and rehearse answers to common questions
  • Ask for alternative/safe food options

At the event/Day of the event:

  • Eat before the gathering/bring snacks if you aren’t 100% sure that there will be food you can eat there
  • Bring or wear headphones or earplugs
  • Wear comfortable clothes and bring something familiar/comforting
  • Have someone you can trust who you can communicate your needs to if necessary (like a parent or a friend)
  • Bring a small fidget toy you can keep in your pocket or in your hand

Tips to accommodate neurodivergents at holiday gatherings:

  • Set aside a quiet room for guests who may not be able to handle the crowds for the full time
  • Try to keep your volume to a minimum; loud arguments and games of tag can go outside of the main gathering area
  • Ask before touching someone—and respect their answer
  • Take note of their body language—are their shoulders hunched? Are they looking at the floor or at their phone?
  • Don’t push new foods on your guest or fill up their plate for them; let them pick what they want, and if that’s nothing, that’s okay too

Gift Ideas

Neurodivergent people like all sorts of gifts, just like everyone. However, you may have to be more careful with some gifts- many neurodivergent people have issues with clothing textures, so it may be best to ask ahead of time before buying clothes (and probably go with tagless shirts or sweaters). Here are some sensory-related gift ideas:

  • Noise-cancelling headphones/Loop earplugs
  • Weighted blanket
  • Compression clothing
  • Sunglasses
  • Weighted stuffed animal
  • Chewelry (or just food-grade silicone beads to make your own!)
  • Kinetic sand
  • Pop-Its
  • Fidget spinner or spinner ring
  • Stress ball
  • Gel timer
  • Tangle
Written by Quinn McNary and Ren Carr