
Headwaves & You

Arwen McKay Sep 13, 2024 · 1 min read
Headwaves & You

Those first days of school can be the hardest, but then Mother Nature throws a curveball: a heatwave. August is the hottest month of the year, so maybe September will be better? While juggling school and extracurricular activities, it isn’t just our brains that are overheating, which can cause major problems. Don’t worry! There are a few easy steps you can take to start beating the heat!

Stay inside

CSArts Administrators have added new furniture and tables in our indoor cafeteria area! These changes are sure to be welcomed by students whether it’s scorching hot or pouring rain! Certain teachers also open their classrooms during extreme heat, so make sure to ask your favorite teacher about their lunch policy!

Keep Antiperspirant On You

Not all deodorants contain antiperspirants, and they are a must in this heat. According to Mayo Clinic, the main cause of dehydration in heatwaves is due to the amount of water you’re losing due to sweating! Deodorants with antiperspirants can actually prevent you from losing any sweat! Reapplying every once in a while will help cut down the sweating so you’ll lose less water… and yes, it helps with odor too!

Drink lots of water/Avoid Caffeine

Studies show that teenagers need 8-11 cups of water a day, and that number only increases with excessive heat. Doctors say that water can help cool you down from the inside, especially if you use ice. Other studies reveal that caffeine can play a large part in dehydrating your body, so avoiding energy drinks is a must in this weather.

Written by Arwen McKay