
Healthy Holidays: Tips to Avoid Getting Sick this Winter

Linnea Venti Dec 15, 2023 · 2 mins read
Healthy Holidays: Tips to Avoid Getting Sick this Winter

Getting sick is the worst. Sneezing, coughing, fevers and chills – and on top of everything, the huge amount of missed schoolwork! People are especially prone to sickness during the cold winter. Protect yourself with these healthy habits:

  • Doctors say to get a full night’s rest. Teens need around 8-10 hours of sleep per day. A lack of sleep weakens the immune system and leaves you susceptible to sickness. Following a healthy sleep schedule also improves your mood and lowers the risk for serious health problems (like heart disease).

  • Nutritionists say to eat healthy. Consistently eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and protein in a balanced and colorful diet. “For those having long days for rehearsals and conservatory classes, please carry extra healthy snacks to keep your bodies and brains fueled throughout the day,” advises Susan Macknin, registered nurse for the school. Vitamins C and D boost your immune system and help fight colds.

  • Stay hydrated. Be sure to drink plenty of water every day! “Remember to bring your water bottle and refill it during the day on campus,” says the school nurse.

  • Clean your hands. Sometimes the simplest tips are the most effective – wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to remove germs. Also, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Exercise regularly. High schoolers should get at least one hour of moderate exercise each day. This includes walking, running, participating in sports, or even just attending your P.E. class (or conservatory, if you’re a dancer).

  • Keep warm. The immune system isn’t as effective when cold air enters the nose and upper airways. Though California winters are far from extreme, wear layers during the chilly months.

  • Mental health is vital! According to the National Institutes of Health, too much stress can cause a weakened (or compromised) immune response. Long-term stress can impede physical and mental health and lead to anxiety, depression, and other health issues. “Practice stress-reducing techniques such as slow, deep breathing, meditation, or exercise,” says the school nurse. She advises students to avoid cramming, procrastinating, and overwhelming themselves with work. Visit the Wellness Center in room 111 for support of your mental well-being.

Follow these tips to help protect yourself from colds and common illnesses. And remember: if you do get sick, stay at home!

“If symptoms are lingering, please wear a mask when you return to school,” says Susan Macknin. It’s easy “to get sick from being in close proximity to others spreading germs.” Stay healthy, CSArts!

Written by Linnea Venti