
The New Info on our Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Rio A. Lee & Jaya Swamy Sep 16, 2022 · 1 min read
The New Info on our Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Calls for more Gender Neutral Bathrooms have been heard by school administrators. CSArts added new spaces over the Summer, but they are hard to find, if you aren’t “in the know.” The existing restrooms between the 200’s and dance studios (known as “the studio bathrooms”) have now been designated for non-binary students.

The decision to add the bathrooms came after the school’s Sexuality and Gender Alliance collected signatures calling for more safe spaces.

This is an example for students to understand that they have a voice in making our school more hospitable for all of us!”

said an anonymous student. While students are pleased with the new additions to campus, the school has not put up much signage around the bathrooms.

There seems to be such a lack of advertising about this. We just have no idea where the bathrooms even are or that the studio bathrooms are even all-gender now.”

CSArts Administration says they mentioned the new bathroom designations during Welcome Week, and they are marked on campus maps. Admin says, however, they do not have any immediate plans on putting signs on the exterior of the building. They say signs of clarification are coming inside the trailer, with posters hung on individual stalls.

Written by Rio A. Lee & Jaya Swamy