
A Chat With Counselor Christy

Juliet Martinez Sep 25, 2023 · 3 mins read
A Chat With Counselor Christy

New schedules, new classes, new teachers, college essays, APs, the list of what a new school year entails goes on and on. It’s scary; it’s stressful; it’s overwhelming, and it’s a lot of work. However, it can be manageable. All it takes is a little bit of guidance, and the making of some good habits. The CSArtisan has the top 4 tips and tricks to have a productive and stress free school year, brought to you by one of CSArts’ very own school counselors, Ms. Christy.

Tip #1: Make to-do lists and take it one step at a time!

With deadlines approaching and assignments piling up, it can be hard to not get overwhelmed. Sometimes, big to-do lists can be astonishingly long, and so it can be helpful to “prioritize in terms of what’s urgent and most important, and then make a smaller to-do list… starting with little chunks,” Christy says. By separating your to-dos into smaller chunks, breaking it into a more manageable manner, motivation can be boosted, and, “It can make you feel more accomplished and increase focus because you feel like you’re actually getting something done.”

Tip #2: Use a planner or other organizational tools!

With Seniors being faced with the challenging task of college applications, Freshmen still adapting to the ropes of highschool, and other students being thrown into the new schedules and classes that come with starting a new grade, it can be difficult to stay organized. One tip that Ms. Christy has is to “have a blue day and a gold day binder” or a planner to keep the two schedules separated. For Seniors, Christy suggests that “getting organized first is one of the best things that you can do. This is a really great time to get organized because deadlines aren’t quite happening yet.” It can be really helpful to create “Excel sheets, or some kind of organizer or trackers of all the schools that you want to apply to, and then all the upcoming application materials that you need” so that it can all be in the same place.

Tip #3: Utilize office hours!

Utilizing office hours is going to be one of the most helpful things that you can do here at CSArts.”

Christy says. With many schools not offering one-on-one time for students to interact with teachers, office hours can be an incredibly helpful tool.

Utilizing even 25 minutes twice a week can be a really great opportunity to get some studying done, rather than waiting till you get home.”

Tip #4: Take care of yourself and don’t forget to have fun!

Starting a new school year can be stressful and draining for everyone. CSArts requires a lot of hard work and dedication, and the school days are long.

I always recommend making sure to get enough sleep,”

Christy says.

That’s when our brain grows the most, when you’re of this age.”

It’s also very important to “bring plenty of snacks for conservatory and utilize office hours to get some homework done.” Social aspects are also vital in having a productive and fun school year, and so Ms. Christy suggests getting involved in some of the many clubs at CSArts. Finding other people to bond over similar interests can be really helpful, especially for Freshmen and other new students. Also, don’t forget that you don’t have to sign up to a club right away at Club Rush, you can still join any time!

For more information or advice, contact your school counselor, Ms. Shiroma (grades 9-11, A-F, and grade 12, A-G), Ms. Christy (grades 9-11, G-M, and grade 12, H-O), or Ms. McMillen (grades 9-11, N-Z, and grade 12, P-Z)

Written by Juliet Martinez