
Club Rush 2023

Evyn Clayton Sep 25, 2023 · 1 min read
Club Rush 2023

With the first few weeks of school starting to settle, student and teacher-run clubs come together to provide opportunities for service hours, experience for college applications and just plain fun! Club Rush was held on campus on September 14th & 15th. 

It showcased booths from groups like LUCHA, BSU, to Soccer Club, Swifty Club and even Crochet and Felting Club. If you weren’t on campus or just didn’t have time to get to every booth, don’t worry! You can contact Leadership in room 200 to get in touch with any clubs.

If you want a full comprehensive list, go to student square, where information will be available online about each club. If you go to the “groups” tab on student square, there should be a full page of clubs if you want to see announcements and updates specific to the club you joined. Also, many clubs this year have started a Google Classroom so be on the lookout for an invite!

Wordcloud of all student clubs @ Club Rush 2023

Written by Evyn Clayton