
Cleaning Empathy

Pippin Langdon May 31, 2024 · 1 min read
Cleaning Empathy

With the end of our school year nearing, most students are stressed about finals or graduation. While being nervous, they tend to overlook the beauty of the CSArts campus. Months ago, boxes for unwanted food and trash appeared around campus, but there is a problem: students are not using them.

Some students have been brave enough to pick up their trash and the trash of others. Still, this leaves more work for the custodial staff.

CSArts’ custodial staff JJ and Alex do more than their fair share of hours, helping to manage the campus, setting up school-wide events, and more! And security is always ready to pitch in and help clean up; however, unnecessary littering gives them more work.

With summer approaching, students are encouraged to make their school shine brighter than before by keeping the campus clean, donating unwanted food, and thinking about how your actions affect others.

Written by Pippin Langdon