
Catching College After Covid

Eliza Kim Oct 13, 2022 · 1 min read
Catching College After Covid

Breaking news, CSArts: due to the pandemic, our seniors are playing “catch-up” to college like never before. Just as the class of ‘23 was readjusting to in-person classes, they were hit with another massive challenge: college applications. The stressors of school, Covid, and mental health are already challenging. Conversations regarding the absence of motivation circulate among the student body as tensions rise with the upcoming applications.

I feel that quarantine had a huge impact on my work ethic. Before the pandemic, I would always be on top of my work. But after, I feel like my motivation began to slip,”

senior Samantha Linares said. Junior year is usually known as the most academically challenging, but seniors say, the stress from senior year is even worse.

Honestly, I feel so unprepared. Junior year was doable but senior year brings on so much more stress due to college applications!”

senior, Emma Smith said.

In addition to these issues of motivation and workload, some students feel like Covid interfered with important experiences that would add to their applications and their high school experiences.

I feel unprepared to write my college essays and because I haven’t lived through enough high school, I feel,”

senior Tess Bellman said. The reality is, most high school students’ careers have been spent behind a computer, and many feel that they do not have enough outside accomplishments to include in their essays and applications.

Written by Eliza Kim