
An Interview with AI

Sidney Tsai Photo: Octavia Roberts Mar 31, 2023 · 2 mins read
An Interview with AI

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. With over 100 million users worldwide within a week of its launch, nearing numbers that rival sites like Google and Youtube, it can feel like nearly everyone is on the edge of their seats asking - What’s next? To answer these concerns, we’ve asked for an exclusive interview with ChatGPT itself. Here it is:

ChatGPT: Hello, CSArtisan! I’m happy to assist with your interview. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have.

CSArtisan: With the immense rise in both educators and students using AI in school environments, a number of concerns have been raised about using AI to cheat. How would you respond to these types of concerns?

ChatGPT: Concerns about using AI to cheat are understandable, but clear guidelines and policies can be put in place to prevent misuse of AI tools. Educators can make it clear to students that using AI to cheat is not acceptable, and students can be encouraged to use AI responsibly. AI can also be used to prevent cheating, such as through plagiarism detection software and AI-powered proctoring tools. Ultimately, it is up to everyone involved in the education system to ensure that AI is used in a responsible and ethical manner.

CSArtisan: As both journalists and arts students at the CSArtisan, we understand the importance of human creativity. How do you respond to the idea of AI taking over both creative and practical jobs?

ChatGPT: AI is unlikely to completely replace human creativity and practical skills, and is better used as a complement. AI can improve efficiency and productivity, but many tasks require human skills such as empathy, critical thinking, and problem-solving. A balance between AI and human workers can achieve greater results.

CSArtisan: Thank you for your responses. Last question: What do you think about the idea of AI replacing search engines like Google and Bing? Do you think it’ll lead to a slippery slope where AI replaces all technology?

ChatGPT: While AI could potentially replace search engines, it is unlikely to lead to a total replacement of all technology by AI. However, the increasing use of AI raises important questions about its impact on society, including concerns about harmful or discriminatory use and its impact on employment. It is important to consider the benefits and risks of AI, and ensure its responsible and ethical development and use through regulation and ongoing discussions.

CSArtisan: Thank you so much for your time. Could you please say goodbye to our readers in a fun way?

ChatGPT: Of course, it was my pleasure to chat with you all! Keep up the great work at CSArtisan, and don’t forget to sprinkle a little bit of creativity into everything you do. Stay curious, stay imaginative, and stay inspired! Goodbye for now!

This interview has been edited slightly for clarity and length.
Written by Sidney Tsai