
Admin Goals 2024

Karina Yue Dec 15, 2023 · 1 min read
Admin Goals 2024

I am hopeful that we continue to offer our students an amazing educational and arts experience, and that they continue to feel that our school is a place to showcase talent, highlight their creativity and share their gifts with others. Although our current program is outstanding, I want to continue to find other conservatories that might be of interest to potential students and to strengthen and grow our newer programs in Popular Music, Digital Media and Theatre Technology. We have an unbelievable student body, and I couldn’t be more proud to serve as Associate Principal.”

-Dr. Cook, CSArts Associate Principal

My goals, hopes, and dreams for CSArts for 2024 would be to continue to embrace our cultural pillars and Shine Brightly mentality. I want students and staff to feel joy for the new year, excitement for pursuing their own goals in the classroom, and community with each other as we all grow into better human beings. I’m also going to embrace a sentiment of “let go, move on ‘’ as a way of setting down heavy emotional luggage and moving forward towards acceptance of self and love for my friends and family. I hope that can be helpful to others as well. Happy New Year!”

-Ms. Read, Assistant Principal

My wish for all of us, students and staff, is to maximize our full potential and be the best humans and citizens we can possibly be.”

-Mr. Metoyer, Assistant Principal

Written by Karina Yue