
VA 10th Grade Showcase

Jocelin Lila-Cruz & Ivy Kim Mar 31, 2023 · 3 mins read
VA 10th Grade Showcase

Every year, the Visual Arts Conservatory hosts an art showcase for all grade levels. March 8th was the opening night for the 10th Grade Showcase where sophomores showcased their pieces from last semester in the front lobby for everyone to enjoy! The show consisted of various types of artworks from a multitude of classes. The show included master copy paintings that sophomores completed in the 2D Design class. Students were able to display their knowledge and create their own rendition of other master painters. The show also contained a few pieces from other classes like photography and ceramics. Overall, the showcase was a great opportunity to celebrate their work in a space with their family and friends. Here is what a few Visual Arts students had to say about their experience with the show:

This was my first time being a part of a CSArts visual arts showcase! It was so much fun and exciting to have my artwork be appreciated by everyone. It was a great showcase and I am excited for next year!”

Alina Ayala (VA ‘25)

It was very inspiring to see my fellow peers use their skills to create something beautiful and new.”

Monze Aquino (IA ‘25)

My experience with the showcase was a bit nerve wracking because other people’s paintings and photographs were really good. So, I felt a bit down because I thought mine wasn’t good enough but then I realized that we are all different in our levels of artist and that mine was good because I worked hard. I could tell that everyone also worked hard and I think that is what counts as an artist and that is what is going to make other’s experience the showcase”

Nayeli Gutierrez (VA ‘25).

As always, the Visual Arts conservatory did a spectacular job, but this specific showcase was even more special. For the first time ever, visual arts students from the Exhibition and Design class worked behind the scenes to help the show come to life. From marketing, curating, decorating, and organizing, the visual arts students worked alongside each other to make the show possible. We asked a couple students who worked on the show about their experience.

It was definitely a great experience since I’ve never created/designed a showcase before. It was challenging but my group was great and we had little trouble deciding the details. My favorite part of the showcase is definitely the center area where the ceramic pieces are shown! I also really loved the sign for the 10th grade showcase on the main wall!”

says the team’s curator, Alisa Kang (VA ‘24).

Working on the showcase was really fun! It was a great experience to collaborate with a team and create that setup. My favorite part of the showcase was probably the centerpiece with the curtains. It was cool to put it up and really show off and frame those pieces,”

says the team’s Director of Marketing, Dyllan Edge (VA ‘25)

Even though it took a lot of work and brainstorming, it was a lot of fun working on the showcase! We had to work from scratch, figuring out the theme we wanted, purchasing the items we needed, and contacting the teachers to collect artworks as well. We also had a deadline to meet, so it was even more pressuring. Although all the sweats and tears went into each individual tacky used to put up the paintings, the exhibition turned out wonderful! I learned how to work better as a team and problem-solve on the way, so the experience was worth it as well! My favorite part of the showcase was the main wall! My teammate created a beautiful font and I worked on laying out the paintings. I thought it turned out to be a very effortlessly perfect type of effect and I liked that a lot!”

says the team’s client relations, Han Lam (VA ‘24)

Written by Jocelin Lila-Cruz & Ivy Kim