
Senior VA Art Showcase

Sophia Brunet Photo: csartssgv_va on Instagram May 19, 2023 · 3 mins read
Senior VA Art Showcase

On May 6th, the cafeteria at CSArts was transformed into an art gallery, as the seniors of the Visual Arts Conservatory held their final showcase, exhibiting their best works that they have created throughout this year and their time at CSArts. From ceramics to acrylic paint, to even mixed media, the seniors were able to discuss their work with others and their artistic journey, and what the future has in store for them as this school year comes to a close.

When it came to actually selecting the work they wanted to display, the seniors debated on the pieces they were most proud of.

I knew that I wanted to showcase work from different years that I’ve been at CSArts,”

said Rosie Williams (VA ‘23)

I was able to pull things from a few different places and I’m really happy with how it came out! I found a piece in my garage from my sophomore year that I completely forgot about and I am really glad that I was able to put that in there.”

The process of selecting works for the exhibition for me was mainly just looking through all of my sketchbooks and art pieces and deciding which of them would go with the vibe I wanted. It also included a lot of ignoring insecurities and putting pieces up regardless because you are trying to get over those struggles among your own art,”

said Aria King (VA ‘23)

When asked about her favorite piece on display, Rosie said,

My proudest piece is the portrait series I did of my bestie Aria. We were asked to practice portraits from different angles in our anatomy drawing class, and we chose to draw each other! I spent a lot of time on these drawings and I’m really proud of them. plus they actually look like her!”

For Aria, her favorite work revolved around the medium she chose to create it from.

I think my favorite piece that I put up was one of the portraits I did of Patti Smith just because I got better at using gouache through it and I just liked the way it turned out,”

she said.

Since this exhibition is the last show these seniors will experience in their high school career, there is an abundance of emotions felt for this event.

This exhibition means the closing of a chapter for me. I was at the same school for eight years before coming here, so four years went by like nothing. I’ve been able to learn so much about myself and about the world in the short time that I’ve been here, and I’m so lucky to have shared this journey with such amazing people. This is the first exhibition that I’ve truly been proud of, both in the art that’s up there and in what it symbolizes for me, and it’s really an embodiment of the work we’ve done together,”

said Rosie.

I think that what the exhibition meant to me was a celebration of the art that every senior has made and the fact that we have grown up, learned, and made mistakes, but we all have our own ways of expressing ourselves. It’s a celebration of similarities and differences among our collective creative energies.”

said Aria.

After the exhibition ended, I just felt really bittersweet, things are ending and some of the people I have come to know over the last four years I will never see again. It’s very much a feeling of joy that it took place, but also feeling how temporary it all is. It’s a very sad and happy state to be in.”

One thing is for certain, that no matter where these seniors go in the future, their hard work and dedication deserves to be appreciated and celebrated. Some of their artwork is still on display in the entrance, so be sure to stop by!

Written by Sophia Brunet