
CSArts Sizzles!

Luna Martinez-Granillo, Leaf Barnett, & Sofia Reyes-Sylvain Sep 16, 2022 · 1 min read
CSArts Sizzles!

A late summer heatwave baked the CSArts campus with temperatures near 110 degrees. Some CSArts students in Duarte even lost their power and internet service during the longest heatwave in Southern California history. With no power and air conditioning, many students struggled to complete their assignments on time. Yet, with the understanding of teachers and staff, our CSArts community were able to keep going through these scalding few weeks.

And while students sweltered, CSArts admin did what they could to keep students and staff cool and hydrated with free filtered water.

CSArts installed “Elkay” to filter and cool their water. While these dispensers may cost more than a thousand dollars apiece, they have ensured the safety of our water, and helped keep students hydrated and safe. With all this being said, it is still very important to stay cool, keep in the shade, and lastly, drink lots of water!

Written by Luna Martinez-Granillo, Leaf Barnett, & Sofia Reyes-Sylvain